Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcome To Princess Margaret Correctional Facility

     The first time I laid eyes upon our school I was amazed. Never had I seen such a lack of colour and creativity. I was stunned. What is more welcoming then blank grey walls and...more blank gray walls. Not only was the colour beautiful but the shape of the building was so intricate. Whoever came up with the idea of making a school the shape of a box was a genius. The lack of detail and architectural prowess creates an environment that just screams "Don't come here!", which is what a school should do. To show how much this school loves horses, there is a giant horse statue painted, again, with a wonderful shade of gray. And if that isn't enough horse for you, don't worry. For there is another horse statue 20 feet away. Can you think of a better way to spend thousand of dollars? I know I can't! And this is just the outside. You will never guess whats on the inside. If you like being uninspired like me, you're in for a treat. Wait until you gaze upon blank, white, brick walls. The lack of art and colour really shows you what a great environment the school has. And I know what you're thinking, "Now that I'm inside I really miss those beautiful horse statues!". Well, don't worry about that either, because we've got the worlds best semi-professional horse mural you will ever see. You've never looked upon such a mediocre image, it's really stunning. And of course, if something isn't painted white or some sort of weird, mustardy beige colour, then its painted that good old trusty gray. The one thing I can't stand are these splashes of red everywhere. There's red on the floors, a little on the walls. What were they thinking. Were they trying to make this place look esthetically pleasing? Stick to gray, the colour of learning and creativity. I couldn't ask for a better looking school/backup prison. The only thing missing from this fine looking establishment is bars on the windows and padlocks on the doors.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Lone Wolf

     I shivered as he entered the room. I had heard his name in the the past, but this was the first time I had seen the man himself. He stood tall and proud, like an oak tree towering over the forest. A long brown coat swung behind him hanging from his broad shoulders as if he had a pair of leathery wings. His beard was made of rows of small thistles that connected to his wavy brown hair. There was a smell in the room, as if you were in an old library filled with dusty leather-bound books. The skin on his face and hands had been worn out, looking like it was made of sandpaper and cooked by the heat of the sun. The spurs on his boots jingled like deadly silver bells. Sunlight from the windows reflected of the metal of his gun, creating the small twinkle of stars at night. As he walked to the bar and ordered his drink, he spoke with a low raspy voice like the distant humming of a lawnmower. He sat there, as if there was no one else in the bar, a lone wolf.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

College Application

      My name is Ethan T. Hiebert, but you probably already know that. Everyone knows that name. I brush my teeth with unicorn blood and shave my face with my feet. Contrary to popular belief, I am the fastest man alive. Lord Voldemort dare not say MY name. My father was a centaur and my mother was Aphrodite herself. I fought Gandhi just to see if he'd fight back. He didn't. I have battled in all 17 world wars (not all on this world). My dance moves are impeccable, my legs like butter and I have been holding my breathe for 15 years. I once drank the equivalent of a sea world orca tank in seawater. I'm immune to leprosy and am fluent in Icelandic sign language. MC Hammer can't touch this. I taught George Clooney how to look good, tutored Dr. Seuss in rhyming and trained Picasso how to make a mean fried egg sandwich. I've taken a trip  to Jurassic Park and left out of boredom. I breed goldfish, baboons and Morgan Freemans. Fine cashmere is weaved from my leg hair in the mountains of Tibet. I built the Death Star just so I could destroy it, twice. Indiana Jones was written about what I did last Tuesday. I accidentally created democracy, spontaneously built the pyramids and purposely introduced the Beatles. I am considered armed and dangerous even when asleep. Obama, Lady Gaga and Robo-Cop were all created from my DNA in my backyard laboratory. I have been the leader of the X-Men, the Justice League and my knitting club. The pope does my laundry and my interior decorating. You might be wondering if any of this is true. It is. Just ask my good friend Jesus. I am all that is good in the world and all that is evil. I am the morning, afternoon and night. I also am very skinny and can fit in small spaces. My name is Ethan, and you WILL accept me into your pathetic establishment or I will end you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Outside The Prison Walls

     They had made it. Dale and Jim had managed to escape from the prison. After years of careful planning, they were free.
     "What are you going to to do," asked Dale, "now that you're a free man?".
     Jim replied "I think I'll lie low for a while. Maybe find a job and save up money to start a business. What about you Dale?" he questioned, "do you have anywhere to go?" Dale paused. He had not thought about this before.     
     "Well, I doubt that my wife would take me back now," he remarked. "Its been so long since we've seen each other, she probably has a whole new life by now." They sat there for a few minutes. Then they heard the barking of guard dogs and men yelling in the distance.
     "We should probably leave before we're caught," exclaimed Jim
     "Good idea. But where should we go?"
     Jim announced "Well, there is a small town about 7 miles south of here. If we hurry we can get there before nightfall." They got up of the ground, brushed themselves off and started the long walk to their new lives.

Monday, September 13, 2010

And You Thought Super Man Was Cool...

  There is one super power that conquers all other super powers. With it, I would be unbeatable. It is the power to shape shift. When you really think about it, there are no flaws. Name any super power and there is something or someone that I would be able to transform into and possess that power. If I want super strength, I can transform into a bear or Mr.T and beat my foes into submission. If I want to fly, within a second I'm an eagle soaring through the air. Lets say I need to hide. I can simply turn into an innocent old women crossing the street and no one would look twice. One of my favourite things to do would be transforming myself into an important figure such as Barrack Obama or The Dali Lama and ruling a country or even the world. I would make my own laws and change the world for the better. Nothing could stop me from achieving my tasks whether they be for the good of man kind or for personal gain. These are only a few examples of the things I could do. I wouldn't just use this power to help others but for my own enjoyment as well. Lets say I'm really craving an ice cream cone but I have no money. In a few seconds I turn into the manager of the ice cream shop and I can now get all the free ice cream I desire. Of course I would pay back the ice cream shop by saving them from the blast of a giant death ray. As for a name, there are so many choices. I could decide on something simple and obvious such as "Shape-Shifting Man" but that would be boring and it takes way to long to say. Something like "The Morpher" would be shorter and more catchy but I still don't really like it. I think I would just stick with Ethan. Its simple and would allow me to relate with my fellow citizens because I wouldn't seem above them with some fancy title. Life would be great. Everyone would love me and I could do whatever I wanted. Shape shifting is indisputably the best super power there is.