Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcome To Princess Margaret Correctional Facility

     The first time I laid eyes upon our school I was amazed. Never had I seen such a lack of colour and creativity. I was stunned. What is more welcoming then blank grey walls and...more blank gray walls. Not only was the colour beautiful but the shape of the building was so intricate. Whoever came up with the idea of making a school the shape of a box was a genius. The lack of detail and architectural prowess creates an environment that just screams "Don't come here!", which is what a school should do. To show how much this school loves horses, there is a giant horse statue painted, again, with a wonderful shade of gray. And if that isn't enough horse for you, don't worry. For there is another horse statue 20 feet away. Can you think of a better way to spend thousand of dollars? I know I can't! And this is just the outside. You will never guess whats on the inside. If you like being uninspired like me, you're in for a treat. Wait until you gaze upon blank, white, brick walls. The lack of art and colour really shows you what a great environment the school has. And I know what you're thinking, "Now that I'm inside I really miss those beautiful horse statues!". Well, don't worry about that either, because we've got the worlds best semi-professional horse mural you will ever see. You've never looked upon such a mediocre image, it's really stunning. And of course, if something isn't painted white or some sort of weird, mustardy beige colour, then its painted that good old trusty gray. The one thing I can't stand are these splashes of red everywhere. There's red on the floors, a little on the walls. What were they thinking. Were they trying to make this place look esthetically pleasing? Stick to gray, the colour of learning and creativity. I couldn't ask for a better looking school/backup prison. The only thing missing from this fine looking establishment is bars on the windows and padlocks on the doors.