Friday, October 15, 2010

Outside The Prison Walls

     They had made it. Dale and Jim had managed to escape from the prison. After years of careful planning, they were free.
     "What are you going to to do," asked Dale, "now that you're a free man?".
     Jim replied "I think I'll lie low for a while. Maybe find a job and save up money to start a business. What about you Dale?" he questioned, "do you have anywhere to go?" Dale paused. He had not thought about this before.     
     "Well, I doubt that my wife would take me back now," he remarked. "Its been so long since we've seen each other, she probably has a whole new life by now." They sat there for a few minutes. Then they heard the barking of guard dogs and men yelling in the distance.
     "We should probably leave before we're caught," exclaimed Jim
     "Good idea. But where should we go?"
     Jim announced "Well, there is a small town about 7 miles south of here. If we hurry we can get there before nightfall." They got up of the ground, brushed themselves off and started the long walk to their new lives.