Monday, September 13, 2010

And You Thought Super Man Was Cool...

  There is one super power that conquers all other super powers. With it, I would be unbeatable. It is the power to shape shift. When you really think about it, there are no flaws. Name any super power and there is something or someone that I would be able to transform into and possess that power. If I want super strength, I can transform into a bear or Mr.T and beat my foes into submission. If I want to fly, within a second I'm an eagle soaring through the air. Lets say I need to hide. I can simply turn into an innocent old women crossing the street and no one would look twice. One of my favourite things to do would be transforming myself into an important figure such as Barrack Obama or The Dali Lama and ruling a country or even the world. I would make my own laws and change the world for the better. Nothing could stop me from achieving my tasks whether they be for the good of man kind or for personal gain. These are only a few examples of the things I could do. I wouldn't just use this power to help others but for my own enjoyment as well. Lets say I'm really craving an ice cream cone but I have no money. In a few seconds I turn into the manager of the ice cream shop and I can now get all the free ice cream I desire. Of course I would pay back the ice cream shop by saving them from the blast of a giant death ray. As for a name, there are so many choices. I could decide on something simple and obvious such as "Shape-Shifting Man" but that would be boring and it takes way to long to say. Something like "The Morpher" would be shorter and more catchy but I still don't really like it. I think I would just stick with Ethan. Its simple and would allow me to relate with my fellow citizens because I wouldn't seem above them with some fancy title. Life would be great. Everyone would love me and I could do whatever I wanted. Shape shifting is indisputably the best super power there is.